March 21, 2013

WSJ: Gene Therapy Spurs Hope

Gene Therapy Spurs Leukemia Hope

Researchers are reporting a new strategy in the cancer fight that eradicated the disease for five patients with lethal cases of leukemia. Ron Winslow has details on The News Hub.
Researchers reported fresh evidence Wednesday that using gene therapy to manipulate the immune system is emerging as a promising new strategy in the fight against cancer.
Five patients with a lethal leukemia achieved complete and rapid remissions after the treatment, in which cells from their own immune systems were genetically altered to specifically attack the disease.
While the study was small, researchers were impressed that the cancer was eradicated in all five patients. In one patient, all evidence of the cancer was gone eight days after treatment.


  1. Amazing stuff - if only we had a clinical trial working on this at JHH!

    1. Yes! Hopefully there will be more clinical trials of this everywhere soon. I can't begin to express how happy I am that gene therapies are finally becoming a reality--and not just for Bertrand's sake. :)
