Bertrand at his dance class today.
Every year, October ends up being the craziest month. This year is proving no exception. I just got a call from Now I Can, the intensive therapy program in Provo, Utah. They have an opening for Bertrand... NEXT WEEK!
So starting next Monday, October 10th for three weeks, Bertrand will have therapy in Provo from 8:00am to 12:00pm Monday through Friday. He'll also have school back up in Salt Lake City from 12:40am to 3:10pm. On top of that, he has dance class on Tuesdays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm, hippotherapy on Saturdays in Park City from 11:20am to 12:00pm, and therapy at Shriners on Fridays from 1:00pm to 2:00pm.
To preserve my sanity, I'm going to cancel/move Bertrand's therapies at Shriners. I am also going to temporarily bow out the MOMS Club playgroup (I don't think Victoria will care too much yet), as well as cancel/move several doctors appointments. With Matthew's travel, pre-emptive sanity preservation would be a good idea anyhow.
Fingers crossed that I don't run into any more meanies!
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