May 25, 2009

A busy week

Cristina has been too busy setting up the garden and taking Bertrand to all his appointments this past week to make a blog post. I've picked out some pictures of Bertrand to share:

Bertrand supervised Cristina's gardening.

Bertrand loved his hippotherapy!

He loved it so much, he fell asleep on the horse...again!

Bertrand got to ride on Thomas the Train!

Bertrand was very excited!

Bertrand loved looking out the windows.

Bertrand wore his engineer's hat, because he wants to be an engineer.

Bertrand spotted a cute girl across the way.

Bertrand contemplates his next move.


  1. I loved all the pictures!!! I cannot wait to see him and kiss him. He is a charmer!

  2. Hola! Madeline and i just saw the pictures and these are lovely! The two of you are so good for photos! You are innate models!
    Lots of love

    Titi Lili
