August 20, 2013

Victoria's First Hair Cut

In preparation for the start of school, the kids got their hair cut today.  
It was Victoria's first hair cut.  
She was scared at the beginning, so Bertrand had to show her how it was done.  
After watching Bertrand bravely get his hair cut, Victoria sat like a pro.

Bertrand's new hair cut "reveal" will be tomorrow for his first day of Kindergarten!  
Spoiler alert: He looks handsome.  ;)


  1. She still looks a bit skeptical! :-) Love you guys so much!

  2. Oh man, her curls! Super cute :)

    1. Haha! That is Victoria's hair brushed *straight*. :) Her curls rival Bertrand's! You'll love them. I'll post a full curly pic soon. ;) Hope all is well!

  3. She's gorgeous -- and while she looks a lot like you, I can see some Matt peeking out in that last picture :). Also slightly jealous that she could wait this long for a cut, Phoebe is 17 months and has had THREE haircuts already because she was born with crazy long Struwwelpeter hair and it's been growing steadily ever since.

    1. Ha! I love it! In no time, Phoebe will have long beautiful hair like her mommy and big sister. At this rate, it'll probably take Victoria 17 YEARS to get to her third hair cut. ;)

  4. So happy to know that you're feeling better! i love to read about that

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