Today was supposed to be Bertrand's TAOS fitting, but it wasn't delivered in time. They called to let us know just minutes before we left the house for the appointment.

Since we were all dressed up, Victoria provided some inspiration. She was running around pointing out each of our chickens ("Eeee!") and dogs ("Gag!"). Why not go to the zoo?!

Bertrand doesn't get over stimulated. And, he can hear the animal noises well. He LOVES their sounds!

Since the displays weren't crowded, Victoria could walk around (pointing out ALL the animals) and Bertrand could pull right up in his wheelchair without blocking anyone. And we could take our time at each of his favorite animals because no one was waiting on us to move.

We were there right at feeding time. So all the animals were very active and visible in their anticipation of food. (Both kids were super amused that monkeys eat carrots!)

We rode the completely empty carousel. Bertrand sat with his Nana in a peacock bench. Victoria started out on a monkey, which she loved--while it wasn't moving. Once it came "alive", she clung to her Mama and insisted on pointing at all the carousel animals. She bravely petted the giant giraffe on our way off.

We heard the tigers roar and saw them up close. It was really cool--even for Mama and Nana. Bertrand's face lit up. :)
Bertrand on the other hand preferred the monkey house.

It was hard to take her picture because she kept running back to the huge, roaring, hungry tigers. Self-preservation isn't her strong suit.
This is awesome! V was inspired :)