March 31, 2012

Bertrand's New Pool

Besides the therapist, a major component of aqua-therapy is the pool. Close to our house is the Salt Lake City Sports Complex. It was the official training venue for the 2002 Winter Olympics. The facility has two state of the art Olympic ice sheets, two Olympic sized pools and full fitness center. In their words it is "a world class experience as a magnificent cross-training center".

Sounds like it just might be good enough for Bertrand, right? ;)

Even more amazing than the venue is the fee because Salt Lake County has a Plus One Pass system.* This is a pass for Salt Lake County residents with a permanent disability providing entrance of one assistant for free, and their family rate is also discounted.

So, our family got an annual pass (which allows unlimited use of all Salt Lake County Fitness & Recreation Centers including land and water aerobics classes and access to the pools) for $215! And Bertrand can bring his therapist for free--all for less than $18 per month. My mind is just blown.

Maybe I will actually start working out so I can lift my 6 foot-tall boy some day!

*There is also a Salt Lake County Paralympic Sport Club and the Miracle League Baseball League! Oh, little Buddy doesn't even know what he's in for! Mama wants to see him in uniform. :)

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